The greatest blood vessel cleaners include dill, honey, and valerian.
Otherosclerosis, circulatory problems, high blood pressure, and varicose veins arise as a result of inorganic salt deposits accumulating on vessel walls.
As a result, it is essential that you cleanse your circulatory system on a regular basis.
-1 pound of dill seeds
2 tablespoons valerian root powder 2 liters boiling water 2 tablespoons honey
Pour boiling water over the dill seeds and powdered valerian root mixture.
When the infusion has reached a temperature of 40 degrees, add 2 tablespoons honey.
Pour the infusion into a jar, tightly wrap it, and leave it to steep for one day.
Using this method to clean blood vessels should be a tablespoon half an hour before meals.
The course must be 20 days.
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