Keloids are benign skin tumors that commonly appear on the back of men's heads. These non-cancerous skin infections might become harmful as well as deviate from the principles of elegance. They stand out more in those with darker skin tones.
Keloids, on the other hand, affect both men and women equally. This disease starts with a small button that appears after a visit to a barber shop where the barber does not sterilize his tools and attacks the neck or shaves your back hhair
A keloid does not form as a result of the severity of the lesion; even minor skin irritation can result in a keloid.
They usually arise as a result of improper wound healing, when particular skin cells called fibroblasts make too much collagen.
Keloids aren't normally painful, although they might itch a lot. Keloids can develop malignant, however this is extremely uncommon.
BAKING SODA: To reduce inflammation and speed healing, mix a dose of bicarbonate of soda with three doses of hydrogen peroxide in a container and produce a paste that you apply directly to the affected area three to four times a day.
APPLY LEMON JUICE TO THE Afflicted Region: Apply a small amount of lemon juice straight to the affected area. After half an hour, rinse thoroughly with warm water. Every night, repeat the therapy.
WHITE ONION: Cut a white onion into dice. Tie a knot in a tissue with the onion slices. The onion pieces should next be crushed to get the juice. Apply onion juice on your keloids using a cotton ball.
Keloids, which are benign tumors beneath the neck that are persistent and expansive, can be treated with a mixture of aloe vera, mint, and bee propolis (a potent anti-inflammatory and natural antibiotic) (which can spread). Heals skin wounds, abscesses, and other superficial skin lesions. Burili ulcer is effectively treated, and injured skin is restored.
All of this can help to minimize the appearance of Keloids.
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