Today we want to walk you through the meaning of deafness , causes ,precautions and remedies.
What is the meaning of deafness?
Lack of hearing power or complete loss of hearing power is called deafness. Mostly, this disease occurs after any fatal disease, accident or because of medicines’ side effects.
The causes of deafness
The causes of deafness are physical weakness or defective veins. Other causes of this disease are as high sound, sensation of cold, hurt in the head or brain, veins’ weakness, inpouring of water into the ear while bathing, excessive wax in the ear, otorrhoea, brain or throat diseases, paralysis, typhoid, malaria, coryza again and again, etc.
Symptoms of deafness
The patient of deafness hears little or sometimes the ear of the patient blocks completely. He hears strange sounds in his ears because of deafness. Sometimes, the victim of deafness hears the voice intermittently or sometimes he hears nothing even when a person screams loudly beside his ear.
1.Ear should not be scratched with the help of a stick or other objects.
Lemon mixed water should be drunk in the morning. Its use provides a lot of relief.
2.A person should not labour in the sun for a long time.
Sesame oil or oil of Brahmi Aavla should be applied on the head.
3.Don’t use spices in the food.
Morning walk proves a boon to the patient so the patient should go for an early morning walk.
Precautions :
1.The water or soap water should not be entered into the ear while bathing because it can be the cause of deafness.
2.Oil also should not be poured into the ear because the hearing membranes of the ear are very sensitive and there is a doubt of ear loss if oil or something else is poured into the ear.
3.Don’t take bath in the river or pond in which animals drink water or take bath.
4.Music should not be heard on high volume because high volume affects ears’ veins. The treatment of this disease becomes hard if there is a defect in the veins of the ear.
5.Don’t delay in treatment if there is a defect in the ear because of this disease. This disease can be cured fully if the treatment is started on proper time.
Avoid such things which are harmful for the ears.
Home remedies of deafness
Cook the decoction of dashmool in oil and fill in a bottle. Warm this oil a little and pour 2-2 drops into both ears. Deafness is cured.
Toast coach grass in a span with ghee until it burns. Cool it after putting it down from the oven. Heat this preparation in a spoon and warm slightly. 2-2 drops of this preparation should be poured in both the ears for the treatment of deafness.
Cook winter cherries , milk, root of castor, asparagus racemosus and sesame oil each in equal quantity in 200 ml mustard oil. All ear problems disappear by using this preparation as ear drop.
Grind sugar candy and red Cardamom into fine powder. Keep this powder in mustard oil for 2 hours and after that fill it in a bottle. Pour 3-4 drops this preparation into the ear twice a day. It provides a lot of relief to the patient.
Mix pure asafetida in woman milk and pour into the ear drop after drop. Its use provides a lot of relief.
Grind heera asafetida with cow milk and pour into the ear for the treatment of all ear diseases.
Grind asafetida, Indian berberry, sweet flag, costus root, aniseed, dry ginger and rock salt each in equal quantity. Cook this material in oil after mixing with billy goat urine. Cook it till oil remains only and sieve the mixture. Deafness is cured by pouring 3-4 drops into the ear of this oil.
Cook the juice of Indian gooseberry leaves, Black Beery leaves’ juice and Bassia Latifolia leaves juice in 100 ml mustard oil. Cook the material till oil remains only and fill in a bottle. Deafness is cured by pouring 2-3 drops into the ear.
Heat one spoon ginger juice, one pinch rock salt and one spoon honey. Cool it and pour it into the ear regularly. Ear pain, deafness and pimples inside the ear are cured by its use.
Heat the juice of ginger slightly and pour into the ear drop by drop. Deafness is cured by following this formula.
Mix a little rock salt and oil in ginger juice. Pour it into the ear for the treatment of deafness and other ear diseases.
Extract the juice of neat and clean root of prickly chalf flower and mix sesame oil in it each in equal quantity. Cook it until oil remains only and fill into the bottle after sieving. Pour this preparation into the ear 2-3 drops after heating it slightly. Deafness is cured in this way.
Take a pinch of cumin seed with milk for the treatment of deafness. Its use cures this disease.
Deafness ends by taking the powder of half ripe jogi myrolelans twice a day.
Deafness ends by pouring the urine of a camel into the ear.
Grind 3 bitter gourds and mix in 200 ml mustard oil. Keep this preparation upon the fire for cooking. Cook it until bitter gourds burn. Sieve this preparation through cloth. Deafness is cured by pouring this oil into the ear drop by drop.
Grind Hemlak (kala jeera) and seeds of bitter gourds with water. Sieve it. Deafness is cured by pouring this water into the ear.
Mix rock salt into cow urine and pour into the ear. Deafness is cured within seven days by following this formula.
Cook 1.5 liter urine of the big she calf of a cow in a span and cook it until 150 ml urine remains only. Fill it into a bottle after sieving. Pour drop by drop into the ear of this preparation regularly. Its use provides relief in deafness.
Warm slightly the juice of Varna, garlic juice and juice of ginger each one spoon. Pour this preparation into the ear. All ear problems are cured.
Warm slightly garlic juice and use as ear drop. Or pour garlick oil in ear 3-4 times a day to cure deafness.
Cook 8 grlicks flakes in sesame oil and pour 2 drops in ear. Its regular use cures deafness within few days.
Take 20 grams dry leaves of mudar and sprinkle cow urine on them. Prepare a sauce of these leaves by grinding. Toast this sauce with mustard oil. Fill it in neat and clean bottle after sieving. The patient of deafness gets a lot of relief by pouring 2-2 drops of this preparation in both the ears regularly.
Apply ghee on the leaves of mudar and extract their juice. Heat this juice a little and pour into the ears daily. All ear problems are cured by following this formula.
Heat onion juice a little and pour 2-2 drops into the ear. Pain in the ear disappears and hearing power enhances. Otorrhoea is also cured by following this formula.
Deafness is cured by pouring the juice of white onion into the ear. This is an efficacious formula for the treatment of deafness.
Cook the juice of pomegranate leaves and Bengal quince leaves’ juice each half liter in one liter pure ghee. Cook the mixture until ghee remains only. Take two spoons this preparation with milk daily. The patient becomes free from deafness by its use.
Mix 20 grams Sal ammonic, 120 grams Nitre and 30 grams ash of white alum in 300 ml mustard oil and keep it after sieving. The patient of deafness gets a lot of relief if he uses this preparation ear drop.
Fill water into the conch and leave it for whole night. Drink this water early in the morning. Listen to the sound of conch. It also provides a lot of relief to the patient of deafness.
Deafness is cured by eating ghee mixed Barrengtonia Acutangula.
Mix jiggery and dry ginger powder each 2 grams properly and pour into the ear drop after drop. Its use cures the disease named deafness.
Boil 5 grams aniseed in 250 ml water until it remains 1\4. Mix this preparation in 10 grams ghee and 200 ml cow milk. Drink it. The disease deafness starts to treat after little time by the help of this formula.
Cook Bengal quince leaves’ oil, black pepper, dry ginger, long peeper, root of long pepper, cactus root, juice of Bengal quince root and urine of cow each in equal quantity on low flame. Fill this preparation in a bottle after sieving. This oil is called 'Badhirta Har tel’. All ear problems are cured by pouring this oil into the ear.
Extract oil of ripe Bengal quince fruit’s seeds and pour into the ear drop after drop. Deafness is cured by this formula.
Grind the leaves of Bengal quince with the urine of a healthy cow and cook on the low flame by mixing 4 folds sesame oil or 16 folds goat’s milk. Cool it. Deafness, tinnitus aureum, ears’ dryness and itching in the ear are cured if this oil is poured into the ear drop by drop.
Take 500 ml juice of Peristrophe bicalyculata nees and cook in 250 ml oil untill oil remains only. Sieve this preparation and pour into the ear drop by drop twice a day. Deafness is cured by doing this.
Heat the juice of the leaves of Peristrophe bicalyculata nees and pour into the ears drop by drop. Its use provides a good relief in deafness.
Grind equal amounts of Asparagus Adscendens and Psoralea seed into fine powder. Deafness is cured if 3 grams of powder is taken with milk twice a day.
Mix 10 grams honey in 10 ml juice of olive plant and pour into the ear after heating a little. Deafness is cured within few months by following this formula.
The disease deafness is cured by pouring the oil of Cinnamon into the ear twice a day.
Mix Cinnamon powder and honey in equal quantity and take 1-1 spoon twice a day. The patient of deafness gets hearing power again.
Grind Civet with almond oil and pour into the ear. The disease is cured gradually and hearing power enhances.
Heat bitter almond oil and pour into the ear twice a day drop by drop. The disease is cured by doing this.
Cook 10 flakes of garlic in 100 ml almond oil until garlick flakes burn. Sieve this oil and pour into the ear drop by drop. Deafness is cured by following this formula.
Extract the juice of radish and mix 1\4 part of sesame oil in it and keep on the fire to cook. Cook it until oil remains only and after that sieve the preparation. Pour this preparation 3-4 drops into the ear twice a day, the disease deafness is cured by it.
Mix 10 ml turpentine oil in 50 ml almond oil. Soak a cotton piece in this oil and put into the ear for 40 days regularly. Deafness is cured.
Grind pink alum, saffron and aloe vera each in equal quantity and mix in 50 ml basil leaves juice. Pour 3-4 drops into the ear of this preparation. Deafness is cured within few days by following this formula continuously.
The patient of deafness gets relief gradually by pouring 2-3 drops of bamboo flower into the ear 3-4 times a day.
Grind 40 grams of garlic in 20 ml sesame oil and prepare oil after cooking well. Sieve this preparation and pour into the ear 3-4 times a day. The patient gets a lot of relief.
Deafness is cured certainly by using caraway oil as ear drop.
Heat a little Basil juice and pour into the ear drop by drop. Hearing power enhances and the disease named deafness is cured by this formula.
The patient of deafness gets a lot of relief if he takes 0.6 to 0.24 grams purified poison nut powder twice a day.
Grind leaves of Bengal quince and cook by mixing goat milk to prepare oil. Pour this oil into the ear drop by drop. Deafness is cured by following this formula.
Deafness is cured by pouring little warm mustard oil into the ear.
Cook mustard oil mixing with coriander seeds. Fill this oil into a bottle after sieving. Deafness is cured by pouring this oil into the ear.
Boil 10 ml mustard oil mixing with 5 cloves. Sieve this preparation after boiling and pour into the ear drop by drop. Deafness is cured by this formula.
Grind 50 grams bark of Onga and 50 grams red arsenic (Mansil). Filter it. Take 5 grams powder mixing with honey. The patient of deafness gets a lot of relief.
Chronic deafness is cured certainly by pouring Indian mustard oil after heating a little.
Cook 5 grams alum, 3 grams Sal ammonic and 100 grams Nitre in 100 ml mustard oil. Fill this preparation in a bottle and keep it after enclosing the cork of the bottle. Deafness is cured by pouring 2-3 drops of this oil into the ear.
Cook collyrium, psoralea seed, the glory lily and flesh of berk (a kind of bird) in sesame oil upon light fire. Cook the material until oil remains only. Deafness is cured by pouring this oil into the ear.
Deafness is cured by pouring the oil of colocynth fruit twice or thrice a day into the ear regularly.
Mix oil in the juice of yellow Cleome Viscosa leaves and pour into the ear. Deafness is cured by following this formula.
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