The medical term for irregular periods is oligomenorrhea, and it is a frequent problem among women.
Eating disorders, weight loss or increase, anemia, menopause, thyroid disorders, hormonal imbalance, liver illness, TB, miscarriage, and other health conditions can all contribute to this difficulty. Increased activity, smoking, alcohol misuse, caffeine, travel, stress, and some drugs and birth control pills are all potential contributors to this issue.
Period irregularities are typical during menopause.
Here are some natural cures for irregular periods that you can try at home.
1. Papaya that isn't fully ripe
Because it helps compress muscle fibers in the uterus, green, unripe papaya is thought to help regulate menstrual flow.
For a few months, drink unripe papaya juice on a regular basis, but don't eat it.
For a few months, drink unripe papaya juice on a regular basis, but not during your period.
Turmeric is regarded as one of the most effective medicinal herbs, as well as being highly warming. It aids in the regulation of menstruation and hormone balance.
Menstrual pain is relieved by the antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory qualities.
Combine a quarter teaspoon of turmeric with milk, honey, or jaggery for a tasty treat. Take it on a daily basis for a few weeks or until you notice a difference.
3.Aloe Vera
This remedy should not be used during your menstruation. By balancing your hormones, aloe vera aids in the natural treatment of menstruation abnormalities.
Extract fresh aloe vera gel from an aloe leaf, combine with one spoonful of honey, and eat everyday before breakfast for the best benefits.
4. Yoga and meditation are beneficial.
Stress is one of the leading causes of hormonal imbalance in the body, which leads to menstrual irregularities.
Yoga and meditation can help you relax and de-stress. Meditation can help to maintain a healthy hormonal balance in the body.
These are the two most effective non-drug ways for regulating irregular periods.
One of the most common causes of hormonal imbalance in the body is stress.
Thanks for reading.